lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

Estamos que no paramos. Nueva revisión zeronoise for linux v1.04.3

Las nuevas versiones las podréis descargar de aquí.

Para 64bits

Para 32bits


New for Version 1.04.3  (25 Oct 2010)

 Bug fixes
- Fixed. Some buttons are enable only when necessary (avoid be clicked by the user when there is not enough data)
- Fixed. The choice menu Colour profile now works. Dcraw builds tiff images with the correct colour space profile
- Fixed. The choice menu demosaic algorithm now works. Dcraw builds tiff images using the chosen algorithm

New for Version 1.04.2  (15 Oct 2010)

 Bug fixes
- Fixed. Gamma sRGB curve values into dcraw param -g.
- Fixed. Little bug into string params to launch initial dcraw command when building initial snapshot of working image.
- Fixed. Bug (crash program) when not selected any file into raw dialog selection and press cancel button.

Ya me contareis...

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